viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece is my computer because it helps me a lots of things mainly to study, play games, watch movies and chat with my friends. I got it when I was 16 years old.
Everyone knows how to use. This works out with a operative system, softwares and many other things to makes it more amusing.
I use to use my computer very often, daily to study and play. With respect to study, the computer has helped me to find useful information that has to do with the subjects of my career.

What life would be like with out my computer???!! So first of all I couldn't study and have all the information available. In the second place chat with my friends, play games, watch movies or just for fun will be very very complicated!!

In conclusion my computer is essential to everythings I do every day.

Computer makes life more easy!!

6 comentarios:

  1. thats cool george... the computer is the piece technology more useful..and its important for all...

    are you married?


    good bye...

  2. I think the same, the computer is a very important piece in the life of everyone, because the uses that it has...

    see you

  3. Jojo
    i think the same
    the computer is very important to me xD
    and for all :P
    Thanks for your comment =)
    See you tomorrow :)


    PS: Don't tell me Feña Isidoraa!!! ¬¬

  4. Hi dear cousin!
    I think the same!
    my computer was in the list to be my favourite "piece of technology" but.. won my mobile =)

    see you...

  5. George
    that wonderful pc
    my computer is not than cool like yours ( the mine is a lentium), but at least i can use it for see pictures of food or happy people.

